we have the software you need
Extended Reality - Virtual Reality - Augmented Reality - App - Cloud Based Software
What We Do
We provide custom solution or stadard products based on your needs
We realize web based software or stand alone solution customized on your requests
Mobile App
We create any kind of application for smartphones and tablets, trasforming a daily device in a powerful accessory
Extended Reality (ER), Mixed Reality (MR), Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Realirty (AR) a new way to interacting with softwares by the use of eyes in a different way
Everyone needs software. Reducing drastically the time you spend for doing activities
Understanding in first view how big is an apartment or how it looks the forniture inside an office in real dimension
Using software for digitalizing standard operation or recreating it in an innovative way, reducing travel cost and reactivity time
Training a surgery before it will be real or doing it having the hands free adding essential information, helps doctors saving lifes
Changing the way to sell products, incrising the experience of the clients and providing all the catalogue in all the possible customization
Imagining to be part of a 3D movie and living the experience from the inside, since Lumieres Brother the envolment is changing
Being inside the veins or watching a heat beating from the aorta. Starting to learn in a different way, live the experience with lerning-by-doing
Everything you need to succedeed
Starting from your needs you find togheter the solution helps you to optimize you processesquests
Do you have a Faire, an Event o a presentation to a your client? We can help you to achive your result
Our aim is to make our clients indipendent, helping them to learn everything they need to develop autonomally therir software solutions
We provide any kind of technological hardware also for just few hours
Complex software made simple (and with an affordable budget)
Solid VR
A power-simple software achive to you to import any 3d model in a virtual reality environment, just in 3 simple steps
Solid AR
Visualize a 3d model interacting with the real world thanks to a smartphone or a wearable device
Take customer support for machine manufacturers to the next level. Provide machine documenttio via AR
Customized software
Our get ready software are not enought? Create the perfect software that suites exactely on your needs
How could we help you?
Let us know, our consultant will contat you asap